21.4 C
septembrie 17, 2024

Romania acts to increase relevance of region within NATO (DefMin Tilvar)

Romania acts to increase relevance of region within NATO (DefMin Tilvar)

Romania is acting to increase the relevance of the region within NATO by consolidating the allied presence in the Black Sea and by increasing mobility, the Minister of Defense, Angel Tilvar, said on Tuesday, during a working meeting with the US ambassador in Bucharest, Kathleen Kavalec.

Tilvar mentioned that Romania has constantly promoted the need to protect the Black Sea region, especially in the current security context, MApN reports.

According to the quoted source, the agenda of the two officials included the matters of interest resulting from the NATO Summit in Washington, as well as the current security situation.

During the meeting, the strategic importance of the Black Sea for the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic area and the need to continue a unified and coherent approach to the management of security situations, in accordance with the commitments assumed within the North Atlantic Alliance, were reiterated.

The minister of National Defense presented the evaluations of the Romanian side regarding regional security developments, through the lens of the developments and implications of the Russian Federation’s war of aggression in Ukraine. Thus, Romania’s involvement in the multidimensional support given to Ukraine was highlighted and our country’s decision to continue it was underlined, reads a MApN press release.

„At the NATO Summit in Washington, we had the opportunity to reiterate our firm commitment to support Ukraine in the face of Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified aggression. Through our involvement we want to contribute to strengthening Ukraine’s defense capacity and show our solidarity with by the Ukrainian people. It is essential that all allies join forces to support peace and stability in the region, and the decision of the allies at the Summit is a strong signal in this regard,” said Angel Tilvar.

Also, the joint commitment to strengthen the bilateral relationship was reconfirmed, in the context where the solid partnership with the United States represents one of the main elements of the deterrence and defense posture on the Eastern Flank of the North Atlantic Alliance.

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